A Study of Momentary Concentration Taught in Mahāsatipaññhānasutta’s Insight Meditation Practice


  • พระมหาวินัย วชิรเมธี


Momentary concentration, Vipassanābāvanā, Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta


       This article has three objectives: 1) to study momentary concentration in Theravāda Buddhist scripture, 2) to study insight meditation in Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta, and 3) to study momentary concentration in insight meditation practice according to Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta. The study is qualitative research and it was found that:
       Momentary concentration (Khaṇikasamādhi) according to Theravada Buddhism means instantaneous contemplation which happens to everyone with focusing mind on doing something continuously. This kind of momentary concentration was very helpful for insight development by observing the status of mentality-corporeality (Nāma-rūpa) as they really are. It was called as Vipassanākhanikasamādhi or insight momentary concentration which successively occurs in every moment continuously while meditators are observing mentality and corporeality.
        According to the Mahāsatipatthana-sutta, when Vipassanāñaṇika meditator practices insight, he would need to develop this momentary concentration simultaneously while contemplating in the Four Foundations of body, feeling, mind, and mind objects and also accompanied with other developments up to the higher thirty-seven qualities contributing to enlightenment (Bodhipakkhiyadhamma). When insight wisdom is excelled to Udayabbayañāṇa, the momentary concentration coupled with wisdom will perform its function to abandon defilements and letting less impurity take place. Then degree of suffering will also be reduced automatically. Finally, when insight meditators have completed full insight knowledge, their mind will become stable, strong, supportive to insight intuitive wisdom to realize the Four Noble Truths (Ariyasacca) and eradicate (Samucchedapahāna) all defilements (Kilesa) by the Noble Path knowledge or Maggañāṇa which is the aim of insight development in Buddhism.

Author Biography

พระมหาวินัย วชิรเมธี

นิสิตระดับปริญญาโท สาขาวิชาวิปัสสนาภาวนา
วิทยาเขตบาฬีศึกษาพุทธโฆส นครปฐม


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How to Cite

วชิรเมธี พ. (2019). A Study of Momentary Concentration Taught in Mahāsatipaññhānasutta’s Insight Meditation Practice. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 13(2), 76–85. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mgsj/article/view/201681



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