The Model and the Technique in the Examination of Experience Vipassanā Meditation Vipassanā Monks


  • นายโสภณ เทียนศรี


The Model in the Examination Of Experience, The Technique in the Examination Of Experience Vipassanā Meditation, VipassanāMonks


               This thesis has objectives of this study is: to study of the Model and the Technique in the Examination of Experience Vipassanã Meditation Vipassanã master. Qualitative and documentary research was used for this study. The researcher searched the information from the Tipitaka, commentaries, books, and other related works. The topics of Vipassanā master in Theravada Buddhist scriptures consist of meaning, basic instruction the Examination of Experience in Vipassanā Meditation, the literature and the related documents, they are analyzed in the research principles and are presented in a descriptive study. 
              From this research it found that;the pattern of asking the temperaments in Kamatthana focusing on Anapanasati or Mindfulness of Breathing:inhalation and exhalation: rising and falling. It’s the original model of asking the temperament that was first originally appeared at wat Mahāthat Yuwārajarangsarit Rājaworamahāvihāra. Principal Phra Dhammamadhira rājaMahāmuni was the chief Vipassanā teacher and was the first Vispassanā teacher in Thailand in practice, asking of the temperaments, observation conditions of breathing stillness are the obvious ways to observe the breathing with Yonisomanasikārā than other observing way. The critical reflection make meditation clear and occurs easily. It’s the main element of Vipassanabhavana (meditation) which include Atāpis or effort, the mindfulness, the concentration and the awareness. There is evidenc in Mahātsatipatthana Sutra that When the body completely perceived the impermanenc, dissatisfaction and non-self in both concrete and abstract, then good thought will happen. View the way of asking of the temperaments has concept for observing mindfulness breathing: the awareness mind is observed causing Sila. The mind focus on the state of the rising and the falling causing meditation. The mind knowing the Doctrinal state is the causing wisdom. Theses facts are the wisdom in compliance with the practicable of Mahātsatipatthana Sutra.
                   From this research it found that; in technical terms, the examination of disposition, the adjustment of the five Indriyas, in the Dharmmas check monitor progress to the process of practice, and the adjustment of the Indriyas, When the faith causes the efforts to the efforts to arise the effort helps the mindfulness to be firm, the meditation is firm. When concentration is firm, the wisdom is firm the techniques adept the Indriyas to be in balance in pairs the faith the wisdom, the persistence and the concentration. Regarding the mindfulness, the more then is the better. The faith and the wisdom the persistence and the vipassanā teachers to have knowledge in both the theory and practice Buddhism as well. The examination to the complementary support In advance of Insight Meditation Practice it.

Author Biography

นายโสภณ เทียนศรี

นิสิตระดับปริญญาโท สาขาวิชาวิปัสสนาภาวนา
วิทยาเขตบาฬีศึกษาพุทธโฆส นครปฐม


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How to Cite

เทียนศรี น. (2019). The Model and the Technique in the Examination of Experience Vipassanā Meditation Vipassanā Monks. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 13(2), 86–95. Retrieved from



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