The Opinion to Meditation Practice of the Practitioners in Dhamma Happy House Project, Division of Public Health and Environment of Rangwai Sub-District Municipality, Phanomthuan District, Kanchanaburi Province


  • พระปลัดวิสันติ วิปุโล (นีระวงศ์)


          The objectives of this thesis were as follows: 1) to study the opinion to meditation practice of the practitioners in Dhamma Happy House Project, Division of Public Health and Environment of Rangwai Sub-district Municipality, Phanomthuan District, Kanchanaburi Province, 2) to compare the opinion to meditation practice of the practitioners in Dhamma Happy House Project, Division of Public Health and Environment of Rangwai Sub-district Municipality, Phanomthuan District, Kanchanaburi Province according to differentiation of their sexes, ages, educations, and marital statuses, and 3) to collect the suggestions concerning the opinion to meditation practice of the practitioners in Dhamma Happy House Project, Division of Public Health and Environment of Rangwai Sub-district Municipality, Phanomthuan District, Kanchanaburi Province. The populations used in this research were the practitioners in Dhamma Happy House Project, Division of Public Health and Environment of Rangwai Sub-district Municipality, Phanomthuan District, Kanchanaburi Province. 136 samples obtained by Krejcie and Morgan table through simplerandom sampling Loppery method. The instrument for data collecting was close ended and open ended questionnaire, and they were analyzed by descriptive statisticsandinferential statistics. If statistically significant difference was found at 0.05, it would be tested in pair by means of Significant Difference (LSD) method. The data were analyzed by instant computer program and the suggestions by content analysis. The results of the research were found as follows:
           1. The levels of opinion on meditation practice of the practitioners in Dhamma Happy House Project, Division of Public Health and Environment of Rangwai Sub-district Municipality, Phanomthuan District, Kanchanaburi Province in 4 aspects were high in overall. When considering by aspect with the mean ranking from high to low, instructor came first and followed by management, buget and location respectively. 
           2. The practitioners in with different sexes, monthly incomesand marital statuses had no significantly different levels of opinions toward meditation practice in Dhamma Happy House Project. The practitioners with different ages had different levels of opinions on instructors and budgets, and those with age below 20 years and elementary educational backgrounds had different levels of opinions. 
          3. The practitioners in Dhamma Happy House Project had suggestions as follows: 1) Location; the place should be clean, tidy and have enough space for activities, 2) Instructor; there should be a rotation of the instructors, 3) Budget; the budget should be subsidized by government and private sectors, and 4) management; a working team should be set up to assist the leader of the project.

Author Biography

พระปลัดวิสันติ วิปุโล (นีระวงศ์)

บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย


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How to Cite

วิปุโล (นีระวงศ์) พ. (2019). The Opinion to Meditation Practice of the Practitioners in Dhamma Happy House Project, Division of Public Health and Environment of Rangwai Sub-District Municipality, Phanomthuan District, Kanchanaburi Province. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 13(1), 9–22. Retrieved from



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