An Analytical Study of the Principle Conception in DASAJÃTA JÃTAKA Scriptures


  • พระอภิชาติ อภิชาโต


        This thesis aims to study analytical politics that appear in DASAJÃTA JÃTAKA scriptures or Buddha’s ten incarnations of nation that study to application in the administrative divisions of Thai politics. By bringing information from the Tipiṭaka and Commentary, Research papers on Buddhism and the politics involved, as all those who know his work acceptable in general education. Bring an analytical study and summarize the research and in-depth presentation of the description.
        An analytical study of the results showed that politics is the concept of philosophy, doctrine development and finally the regime is a long development
process in the history of mankind until the present administration is divided into 2 different models, a Communist/Dictatorship regime that focus and established power to the leader and Democracy that think of people power and their rights to select the leader by themselves. Despite the minority difference of regime, the most important principle is the ruling by 2 regimes, Communist / Dictatorship and Democracy.
         In the belief of ancient scholars, the religious Scriptures and Buddhist literature’s motto respected to the King and an Aristocrat very much what can be good parents with governance in the monarchy and aristocracy that parents come from well education elite is the minority peoples of the community, but has been accepted by the majority of people, because they believe that Government will be able to bring happiness to people other than the parents.
         Essentially politics that appear in the JÃTAKA scriptures found in as a whole as a monarchy in which the King is the highest authority of the State in 3 major formats. The first one is an absolute monarchy that a King was above the law. The second one, he is assuming that the King always comes down from heaven against divine right, resulting in the eradication of evil to humans and the era of the King. The last one is the King assumed power, he raised the King from the citizens, but people still hold power to detach from a King if he do not conduct fair or reasonable.
        The bodhisattva who he was born in each of the ten incarnations of nation, the JÃTAKA Tales 4 nations are taking part in ruling the country as the King or the King’s son, and the other 2 are the important of king’s assistance government officer that taking part in ruling the country. Although other nationalities 4 bodhisattva will not take part in government directly, but they have an opportunity to make an important King’s preaching about the right ways to rule the Kingdom. This is to give the maximum benefit to the welfare of the people. 
        In the JÃTAKA scriptures, which is a national Decade last 10 JÃTAKA Tales before the Buddha’s enlightenment is the “bodhisattva”. Before a last ten incarnations of nation, a bodhisattva is to accumulate influence 10 ordinary perfections and others 30 absolute perfections offer almost full and Bodhisattva full complete realization of charismatic action is Vessantara, the tenth nation, that he offers absolute Charity perfections. After a review, the tenth bodhisattva Buddha Dhamma practice thing shown that people who have a desire to become a Buddha and achieved it is real exist. 
        In the JÃTAKA scriptures, which is a national Decade last 10 JÃTAKA Tales before the Buddha’s enlightenment is the “bodhisattva”. Before a last ten incarnations of nation, a bodhisattva is to accumulate influence 10 ordinary perfections and others 30 absolute perfections offer almost full and Bodhisattva full complete realization of charismatic action is Vessantara, the tenth nation, that he offers absolute Charity perfections. After a review, the tenth bodhisattva Buddha Dhamma practice thing shown that people who have a desire to become a Buddha and achieved it is real exist.
       Therefore, when you have released the study on analytical politics that appear in the JÃTAKA scriptures to use in appropriate ways. Society has peace and everyone is together, happily, which is a major goal of politics.

Author Biography

พระอภิชาติ อภิชาโต

บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย


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How to Cite

อภิชาโต พ. (2019). An Analytical Study of the Principle Conception in DASAJÃTA JÃTAKA Scriptures. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 13(1), 84–95. Retrieved from



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