
  • สุรเชษฐ์ โล่ห์ทองคำ นักศึกษาปริญญาเอก สาขาการบริหารการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยกรุงเทพธนบุรี


Factors that influence success, private vehicle inspection


The objectives of this study were twofold: (1) to analyze the causal relationship pertaining to leadership traits, managerial practices, and customers’ satisfaction which were conducive to the success of the private vehicle inspection in the case of Thailand; and (2) to determine the management model which would be favorable to the success of the private vehicle inspection. The study was mixed in nature – quantitative and qualitative research methods. With regard to the quantitative research method, the sample was comprised of entrepreneurs, managers, and representatives from  inspection centers totaling 335 persons. The sample was randomly selected from the total population of 2,034 persons. With respect to the qualitative research method, 19 topflight persons were purposively selected as the key informants or the sample of the study. The self – administered questionnaire was used as the study tool for the quantitative research, whereas the semi – structured interview guide was used as the data – collecting instrument for the qualitative research. The statistical techniques used for the data analysis consisted of descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and the analysis of SEM with the help of statistical software. 

As a result of the data analysis, the following facts were found: the causal factors which had direct influence on the success of the private vehicle inspection included the following: leadership traits, (β = 0.53), the nature of management practices within the organization (β = 0.38), and customers’ satisfaction (β = 0.29).

As for the management model (the structural model) conducive to the success of the private vehicle inspection in the case of Thailand, it was found that the goodness of fit of the structural model and the measurement model was highly acceptable. The goodness – of – fit statistics of the measurement model were as follows: Chi – Square with 21 degrees of Freedom = 31.812, Chi – Square / DF = 1.515, P – value = 0.061, RMR = 0.028, TLI = 0.988, CFI = 0.993, RMSEA = 0.039, HOELTER (0.05) = 344 In sum, all criteria were met.


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How to Cite

โล่ห์ทองคำ ส. (2020). MODEL OF MANAGEMENT THAT AFFECT THE SUCCESS IN PRIVATE VEHICLE INSPECTION IN THAILAND. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 17(2), 206–216. Retrieved from



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