Effects of a perceived self-efficacy promoting program of mothers on their promoting development behaviors of children age 0-5 years


  • นอลีสา โต๊ะยุโส๊ะ พยาบาลวิชาชีพ (ด้านการสอน) วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี นครศรีธรรมราช
  • วิชชุตา มัคสิงห์


self-efficacy;, promoting development behaviors of children;


The quasi-experimental research aimed to examine Effects of a perceived self-efficacy promoting program of mothers on their promoting development behaviors of children age 0-5 years. Eighty-eight maternal who is live in Nakhon si Thammarat were purposively  to either experimental or control groups. The implementing instrument was the self-efficacy  development  program  comprising  four means of increasing  self – efficacy : preparation  of  the  readiness  of  physiological  and  affective  state, mastery   experience ,verbal  persuasion,  and use of the model handbook and flip chart. The data collection instrument included demographic data, self - efficacy assessment, and childhood development behaviors assessment questionnaires. The questionnaires were tested for content validity by three expert and for reliability using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of Self-efficacy Assessment and childhood development behaviors assessment questionnaires were .79 and .81, repectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics (t  test) .The result reveal that :

1) The mean of maternal self – efficacy in development behaviors for early childhood  score after participation in the program was significantly higher than that before participation (p<.05).

2) The mean of maternal self – efficacy in development behaviors for early childhood  score after participation in the program was significantly higher than those who receiving the convention nursing care (p<.05).

          Therefore, the research suggests that public health officials can use a program to promote self-efficacy to be used to give mothers the ability to promote child development Appropriately according to age


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How to Cite

โต๊ะยุโส๊ะ น., & มัคสิงห์ ว. . . (2020). Effects of a perceived self-efficacy promoting program of mothers on their promoting development behaviors of children age 0-5 years. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 18(2), 18. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mgsj/article/view/245425



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