Creating incentives for the performance of personnel; Sub-district municipalities in Samut Sakhon Province


  • Kamolporn kalyanamitra Bangkokthonburi University


creating motivation


The objective of this research was to study the level of motivation performance of sub-district municipalities’ personnel in Samutsakhon Province and compare the incentives for the performance of sub-district municipalities’ personnel in Samutsakhon province classified by gender, age, highest level of education, position, work experience and average monthly income Using a sample of 400 people from a convenient sampling by questionnaires to collect information.  367 complete questionnaires were collected and the data were analyzed with percentage, mean, standard deviation and comparing the level of incentive to work. The statistical values ​​of t-test and F-test were at a significant level of 0.05.

Creating incentives for the performance of sub-district municipalities’ personnel in Samutsakhon Province. It is divided into 2 factors, namely incentive and supporting factors. Most of them had a “high” level of incentive performance based on the overall motivation factor with a mean ( ) of 3.49 and a standard deviation (SD) of 0.555 with a level of incentive to practice. Overall supportive work was at a “high” level with a mean ( ) of 3.40 and a standard deviation (SD) of 0.546.

Comparing the level of motivation in the performance of sub-district municipalities’ personnel in Samutsakhon Province. The results were classified according to 6 independent variables by comparing the five motive factors using t-test and F-test at the statistical significance level Sig = 0.05. The results were summarized as sex, highest education level, position and experience. In the workplace, the different effects on the level of motivation in sub-district municipalities’ workforce in Samutsakhon Province.  That is no different age and average income different levels of motivation of sub-district municipalities’ workforce in Samutsakhon Province different.


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How to Cite

kalyanamitra, K. (2021). Creating incentives for the performance of personnel; Sub-district municipalities in Samut Sakhon Province. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 19(1), 20. Retrieved from



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