
  • จิตศริณย์พร ปัญจวัฒนคุณ คณะศาสนาและปรัชญา มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย
  • พระมหาบุญไทย ปุญฺญมโน


The 21st Century Lifestyle, Buddhist Aesthetics


The objectives of this dissertation were; 1) to study the 21st century lifestyle, 2) to study the Buddhist Aesthetics, 3) to integrate the 21st century lifestyle with Buddhist aesthetics, and 4) to propose a new body of knowledge on “The 21st Century Lifestyle Based on Buddhist Aesthetics”. The data of this documentary qualitative research were collected from the Tipitaka, Commentaries, related documents and in-depth interviews with 20 experts. The results of the study were presented in a descriptive method.

                    The results of research were found that:

                    The 21st century lifestyle is industrial lifestyle, capitalism, consumerism, materialism, and information technology. The modern scientific knowledge was implemented for the better quality of life, but the consumption was not in line with technological purpose because human lacked of realization of the true side and lacked of analytical thinking. There are 5 major problems nowadays; Moral Issue, Social Issue, Economic Issue, Environmental Issue, and Technological Issue.

                    Buddhist Aesthetics is a Buddhist teaching concerning beauty. There are 2 dimensions of beauty; mundane beauty and virtuous beauty. Mundane beauty is the beauty which people normally perceive and concern with. This kind of beauty can be categorized as subjective since it is created under an influence of defilement. The virtuous beauty is the beauty resulting from practice Dhamma and it reflects on acceptable behaviors. This beauty is considered as objective since it is the beauty of Anattatã. The Buddhist teachings on Khanti and Soracca,Tilakkhan, Ditthadhammikattha, Kalayãṇamittatã, and Yonisomanasikãra are considered as the Buddhist Aesthetics because they make the beautiful life when putting into practice.

                    The 5 major problems integrated with the 5 Buddhist teachings result to the beauty as follows; 1) Khanti and Soracca make the mind calm and clear, gain wisdom in cause and effect, and result to a graceful mind. 2) Tilakkhaṇa is to comprehend things as they really are, to gain detachment, hospitality, non-selfishness, and results to a graceful society, 3) Ditthadhammikattha is to work with carefulness, choose to accompany with friends and colleagues, and administrate the finance, which leads to a graceful economy, 4) Kalayãṇamittatã is to be friendly to environment by cherish its value, and conserving the nature, which results to balance and a graceful environment. 5) Yonisomanasikãra is to compromise technology and humanity in the right view, which leads to the true value with the knowledge of civilized people and to a graceful technology. The integration of the major problems with the Buddhist Aesthetics results to the GRACE Model. The model of a beautiful life occurred from virtuous beauty, good behavior, good mind, good wisdom, good thought, good speech, and good action.


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How to Cite

ปัญจวัฒนคุณ จ., & ปุญฺญมโน พ. (2021). THE 21st CENTURY LIFESTYLE BASED ON BUDDHIST AESTHETICS. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 19(2), 149–159. Retrieved from



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