Guidelines for Donation Management of the People in the Situation of COVID-19 Case study: “Pantry of Sharing in Salaya Sub-District”

Guidelines for Donation Management of the People in the Situation of COVID-19 Case study: “Pantry of Sharing in Salaya Sub-District”


  • Siriporn Krongcheep -
  • กฤตสุชิน พลเสน
  • ประเวช วะทาแก้ว


1. Donations 2. Situation of COVID-19 3. Pantry of Sharing


This research the objectives are: 1. To study the principles of alms in general. 2.To study the donation of donors and recipients of the people during the COVID-19 situation: study only “Pantry of Sharing in Salaya Sub-District” and 3. To recommend public donation guidelines during the COVID 1 9 situation: study specific “Pantry of Sharing in Salaya Sub-District” The sample group of this research is people living in Salaya Sub-district Phutthamonthon District Nakhon Pathom Province. The results of the research were as follows: 1) The donation means giving something that should be given, either an item, a subsistence or a teaching instruction. As well as being generous with each other that comes from the intention without greed and wants others to be happy this giving concept is both western and eastern. Most of the time, giving alms is in the hope of a happy society together. 2) General public Most of them are domiciled in Salaya Sub-district. Phutthamonthon District Most of Nakhon Pathom Province have an understanding of the principle of giving things to others. To not expect returns There is satisfaction that the donors. Depending on their income status during the coronavirus outbreak many peoplewere in trouble. What we have clearly seen these days is the sharing kiosks or the

happiness kiosks that are available to share food with those who want to eat and use for free. Considered to help each other. 3) Pantry of Sharing in Salaya Sub-District 1. Should put things in the cabinet together they should not put in large quantities of such things, preventing people from picking up all the things. 2. All good people who like to make merit, consider it carefully. Want people to adhere to Buddhist principles Such as the principle of Supuris Tham 7, especially Article 4 is Mattanyuta, the approximate knowledge is fit 3. Should publicize all agencies together to install a “Pantry of Sharing in Salaya Sub-District” in different areas and to be regarded as "Long-term remedial measures” 5. A conscious campaign should be raised for the people who receive the goods from the happy sharing box. It should be taken only by oneself or family.


พระธรรมวิสุทธิกวี(พิจิตร ฐิตวัณโณ), กฎแห่งทานะทําหนึ่งได้ร้อย ทําร้อยได้ล้าน.

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How to Cite

Krongcheep, S., พลเสน ก., & วะทาแก้ว ป. (2022). Guidelines for Donation Management of the People in the Situation of COVID-19 Case study: “Pantry of Sharing in Salaya Sub-District”: Guidelines for Donation Management of the People in the Situation of COVID-19 Case study: “Pantry of Sharing in Salaya Sub-District”. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 20(1). Retrieved from