Managerial Skills of Administrator Affecting Organizational Culture of Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 8


  • ภัทร์ธีรา วงษาวดี -
  • มัทนา วังถนอมศักดิ์ การบริหารการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร


Administrators’ Skills, Organizational Culture, Culture of Schools


The purposes of this research were to determine 1) the managerial skills of administrators under the secondary educational service area office 8, 2) the organizational culture of schools under the secondary educational service area office 8, and 3) the managerial skills of administrator affecting organizational culture of schools under the secondary educational service area office 8. The sample were 48 schools under the secondary educational service area office 8. The respondents consisted of a school director or a deputy school director (Operator Acting), a head of department of education, and a teacher with the total of 144. The research instrument was a questionnaire about the managerial skills of administrators based on Griffin concept organizational culture based on Patterson, Purkey and Parker concept. The statistics were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and Stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The results were as follow :

1. The managerial skills of administrators under the secondary educational service area office 8, as a whole and as an individual aspect; was at a high level; ranking by arthmetic mean from high to low were conceptual skill, interpersonal skill, communication skill, technical skill, time-management skill, diagnostic skill, and decision-making skill.

2. The organizational culture of schools under the secondary educational service area office 8 , as a whole and as an individual aspect; was at a high level; ranking by arthmetic mean from high to low were integrity, organization purposes, quality, trust, empowerment,  sense of community,  diversity,  decision making, recognition, and caring           

3. The interpersonal skill, and time-management skill affected the organizational culture of schools under the secondary educational service area office 8 were overall significantly different at the statistical level of .01


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How to Cite

วงษาวดี ภ. ., & วังถนอมศักดิ์ ม. (2022). Managerial Skills of Administrator Affecting Organizational Culture of Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 8. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 20(1). Retrieved from