
  • siwaporn intalaw ิิิิBangkokthonburi University
  • วีระ วงษ์สรรค์
  • ธนาดล สมบูรณ์


The objectives of this research were 1) To develop citizenship learning packages toward the law in daily life by using problem based learning for secondary school year 3 students to be efficient in accordance with the efficiency standard criterion of 75/75; 2) To determine effectiveness index of citizenship learning packages toward the law in daily life by using problem based learning for secondary school year 3 students; 3) To study the problem solving abilities of secondary school year 3 students before and after using problem based learning and 4) To explore the satisfaction of the students with learning through the learning packages toward the law in daily by using problem based learning for secondary school year 3 students. The research was a Quasi-Experimental research. The study sample were 35 students of secondary school year 3/1 in Watratbamrung School, selected by using simple random sampling. The research instruments included 5 citizenship learning packages for main idea, lesson plans, achievement test, a problem solving abilities test, and questionnaire about students‘satisfaction. The Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and E.I. The findings indicated that: (1) The efficiency index (E1/ E2) of the citizenship learning packages toward the law in daily life by using problem based learning for secondary school year 3 students was 79.09/82.29, (2) The effectiveness index of the citizenship learning packages was 0.7256, indicating learning progress (E.I.) accounted for 72.56, (3) Problem solving abilities of secondary school year 3 students using problem based learning were Very high-level, and (4) The satisfaction of students with learning through the learning packages toward the law in daily life by using problem based learning for secondary school year 3 students as whole was at a high level. Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Laws


The objectives of this research were 1) To develop citizenship learning packages toward the law in daily life by using problem based learning for secondary school year 3 students to be efficient in accordance with the efficiency standard criterion of 75/75; 2) To determine effectiveness index of citizenship learning packages toward the law in daily life by using problem based learning for secondary school year 3 students; 3) To study the problem solving abilities of secondary school year 3 students before and after using problem based learning and 4) To explore the satisfaction of the students with learning through the learning packages toward the law in daily by using problem based learning for secondary school year 3 students.

The research was a Quasi-Experimental research. The study sample were 35 students of secondary school year 3/1 in Watratbamrung School, selected by using simple random sampling. The research instruments included 5 citizenship learning packages for main idea, lesson plans, achievement test, a problem solving abilities test, and questionnaire about students‘satisfaction. The Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and E.I.

The findings indicated that: (1) The efficiency index (E1/ E2) of the citizenship learning packages toward the law in daily life by using problem based learning for secondary school year 3 students was 79.09/82.29, (2) The effectiveness index of the citizenship learning packages was 0.7256, indicating learning progress (E.I.) accounted for 72.56, (3) Problem solving abilities of secondary school year 3 students using problem based learning were Very high-level, and (4) The satisfaction of students with learning through the learning packages toward the law in daily life by using problem based learning for secondary school year 3 students as whole was at a high level.

Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Laws


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How to Cite

intalaw, siwaporn, วงษ์สรรค์ ว., & สมบูรณ์ ธ. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF CITIZENSHIP LEARNING PACKAGES TOWARD THE LAW IN DAILY LIFE BY USING PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL YEAR 3 STUDENTS. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 20(1). Retrieved from