Sappurisa-Dhamma Administration and the School Effectiveness under Samutsakhon Primari Education Service Area Office


  • Kritsana Pravasook Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • ไกรวรรณ์ ชินทตฺติโย การบริหารการศึกษาบัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหามงกุฎราชวิทยาลัย


Sappurisa-Dhamma Administration, School Administrators, , School Effectiveness


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the Sappurisa-Dhamma principles administration of the school administrators under the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office, 2) to study the effectiveness of educational institutions under the of the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office and, 3) to study the relationship between the administration according to the Sappurisa-Dhamma principles of the school administrators with the effectiveness of the educational institution under the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office.

The population is 103 schools under the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office. The samples were selected from 86 schools under the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office. The instrument used in this study was questionnaires. The statistics used in data analyzing were frequencies (Frequency), percent (Percentage), average (Mean), standard deviation (S.D.) and the correlation coefficient (rxy) of Pearson (Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coeffcient).

The results of this research were as follows:

  1. 1. Sapphurisa-Dhamma principles administration of the school administrators with the effectiveness of the educational institution under the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office in overall and the details of all aspects were at the highest level.
  2. 2. The effectiveness of educational institutions under the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office. The research results were found that the overall was at the highest level. It is not so different.
  3. 3. The level of the relationship between Sappurisa-Dhamma administration of the school effectiveness under the Samut Sakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office. The overall of relationship was at the highest level was statistically significant at the 0.05 levels.


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How to Cite

Pravasook, K., & ชินทตฺติโย ไ. (2022). Sappurisa-Dhamma Administration and the School Effectiveness under Samutsakhon Primari Education Service Area Office. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 20(1). Retrieved from