School Administrator’s Emotional Intelligence and Teacher’s Quality of work Life under Samutsakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office


  • ชาปิยา สิมลา -
  • นุชนรา รัตนศิระประภา ภาควิชาการบริหารการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร


The purposes of this research were to determine 1) administrator emotional intelligence under Samutsakorn Primary Educational Service Area Office 2) teacher's quality of work life under Samutsakorn Primary Educational Service Area Officer and 3) the relationship between administrator emotional intelligent and teacher's quality of work life under Samutsakorn Primary Educational Service Area Office. The sample of research are 85 schools under Samutsakorn Primary Educational Service Area Officer. The 2 respondents in each school were; a school administrator or an acting school administrator and a teacher. There were 170 respondents. The research instrument was an opinionnaire about administrator emotional intelligence based on Goleman’s concept, and teacher’s quality of work Life base on Walton’s concept. The statistical analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient.

          The research findings were as follow:

  1. Administrator’s emotional intelligence under Samutsakorn Primary Educational Service Area Office, as a whole were at a highest level each aspect was ranking by arithmetic mean the highest to the lowest mean: motivating-oneself, empathy self-awareness, social skill and self-regulation.
  2. Teacher's quality of work life under Samutsakorn Primary Educational Service Area Office, as a whole were at a highest level each aspect was ranking by arithmetic mean the highest to the lowest mean: social relevance, constitutionalism, development of human capacities, safe and healthy environment, growth and security, social integration, adequate and fair compensation and the total life space.
  3. The relationship between administrator emotional intelligent and teacher's quality of work life under Samutsakorn Primary Educational Service Area Office was found at .01 level of statistical significance.


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How to Cite

สิมลา ช., & รัตนศิระประภา น. (2022). School Administrator’s Emotional Intelligence and Teacher’s Quality of work Life under Samutsakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 20(1). Retrieved from