Community and Thai Political Development in Krathum Baen District Samut Sakhon Province the Objectives Are


  • อัญธิษฐา อักษรศรี -
  • วันชัย แสงสุวรรณ


Development, Thai Political, Krathum Baen District


The study of Community and Thai Political Development in Krathum Baen District Samut Sakhon Province the objectives are 1. To study the state of political problems. in Krathum Baen District Samut Sakhon Province 2. To study the body of knowledge in the development of Thai politics in Krathum Baen District Samut Sakhon Province 3. To propose solutions to problems in Thai political development in Krathum Baen District Samut Sakhon Province by using a qualitative research method with in-depth interviews The key informants were (community leaders), 1 community committee per sub-district, 10 people, and 4 community members per sub-district, 40 people, a total of 50 People. The results of the analysis of information on political problems in the study area revealed that the types of political problems in the community can be classified as follows: 1. Political reform facing problems in the matter of campaigning for people to exercise their right to vote Corruption in the right to sell votes 2. On the promotion of democratic political culture facing problems in promoting public participation Creating a participatory political culture Guidelines for the development of Thai politics Through participatory operations, it was found that 1. Political reforms local to national politics It must be a transparent and verifiable political system because “politics is the property of the people” due to the openness and transparency of the state, enabling people to jointly examine the exercise of state power. or the use of budgets for effective implementation of various policies What will happen next is the ability of a good political system. and in accordance with the democratic regime. Another way to promote participatory political culture at the community level is to allow people to participate in activities together. May be organized as a form of projects such as Big Cleaning Day, community development projects in various dimensions, solving drug problems, etc. for people to get to know, talk, study the roles and behavior of officials. as well as being a practical follow-up audit and also to allow people to play a role and their ability (Empower) to jointly solve the problems of the community, which is the social level to develop into cooperation at the national level. 3. Development of the education system. Education is the cornerstone of every development. From the family level to the national level A good community must have personnel who are thoroughly educated. to develop the potential of the individual first and when a person's potential is ready The development of Thai politics will be effective.

The process of Thai development found that 1. Political reform Communities must work together to develop transparent elections. can check the use of state power or the power of local administration to the fullest extent anti-corruption promote good deeds and there are penalties for those who commit corruption. Promote equality, liberty and fraternity in the community. to promote knowledge about politics and government Both offline and online, promoting public participation as much as possible. Because it is the heart of democratic governance. Develop strong community infrastructure by integration of various relevant departments Promote democratic knowledge through teaching and learning in the classroom and outside the classroom or through activities by allowing the Council of Children and Youth to be the mainstay of the campaign Support scholarships as well as the necessary equipment for education in the midst of the 2019 coronavirus epidemic so that children and young people do not have to leave the education system. to strengthen the economy at the community level to support further education.


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How to Cite

อักษรศรี อ., & แสงสุวรรณ ว. . (2022). Community and Thai Political Development in Krathum Baen District Samut Sakhon Province the Objectives Are. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 20(2). Retrieved from



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