A Model of Problem Solution Based on Buddhist Philosophy of Farmers in Trang Province


  • ขรรค์ชัย เจริญศิลป์ -
  • บุญร่วม คำเมืองแสน


The problem, Trang, Buddhist philosophy


The objectives of this dissertation were: 1) to study the state of problems of farmers in Trang province, 2) to study principles of Buddhist philosophy, 3) to integrate the principles of Buddhist philosophy in problem solving of farmers in Trang province, and 4) to propose a new body of knowledge on the problem solving model of farmers in Trang province with the principles of Buddhist philosophy. The data of this documentary qualitative research were collected from documents and in-depth interviews with 19 Buddhist monks and agricultural scholars In Trang province, and then analyzed by content analysis.

           The research results were found as follows: The state of problems of farmers in Trang province has 4 major aspects; land ownership, falling price of the agricultural produces, the lack of innovative technology, and natural resource degradation.

           The principles of Buddhist philosophy in solving problems of farmers in Trang province are; 1) Utthanasampada, to be ready with perseverance in diligence, 2) Arakkhasampada, to be able to maintain, protect and preserve wealth, 3) Kalyanamittata, to associate with good companions, and 4) Samajivita, to lead a suitable life with moderation. The principles of Buddhist philosophy integrated in solving problems of farmers in Trang province are the principles of Ditthadhammikattha. In Utthana sampada, the farmers must understand the use of their land the worthiest and plant the crop rotation according to the season. In Arakkhasampada, the farmers have to take care of their produce to meet quality standards and set a reasonable consumers. In Kalyanamittata, the farmers should cooperate with each other and establish a cooperative to strengthen their produce quality, community and social network. In Somajivita, the farmers should live their lives appropriately according to the principles of moderation. The new knowledge in solving the problems of farmers with Buddhist philosophy gained from this research can be concluded into “QMWC MODEL”.


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How to Cite

เจริญศิลป์ ข. ., & คำเมืองแสน บ. . (2022). A Model of Problem Solution Based on Buddhist Philosophy of Farmers in Trang Province. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 20(2). Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mgsj/article/view/263829



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