Community Economic Development in People’s Democratic Republic of Laos with Buddhadhamma


  • สาคร หลวงศรีอภัย -
  • พระเมธาวินัยรส
  • สุมานพ ศิวารัตน์


Community economic development, , Laos People's Democratic Republic, Buddhadhamma


The objectives of this dissertation were as follows; 1) to study economic development in People's Democratic Republic, 2) to study Buddhist principles on economic development in Laos People's Democratic Republic, 3) to integrate community economic development in People's Democratic Republic of Laos with Buddhist principles, and 4) to present guidelines and create a body of knowledge about “The Model of Community Economic Development in Laos People's Democratic Republic with Buddhist Principles”. The research was carried out by qualitative research method, documentary qualitative research method, and field work method. The data were collected from documents, research works and in-depth interview with 77 key-informants responsible for community economic development in Laos People's Democratic Republic. The data were analyzed, summarized and then presented with a new body of knowledge on the model of community economic development in Lao People's Democratic Republic.

The results of the study were found that:

  1. 1. Lao People's Democratic Republic is generally divided into 3 regions: North Lao PDR, Central Laos PDR and Southern Lao PDR. North Laos PDR has problems with the destruction of natural resources and environment and economic problems by the government sector in cooperation with national and international private sector agencies in solving problems on the macro-economic level under the policy determined by the government. As for the Central Laos PDR, there are problems in urban society and workforce. The projects and problem solutions are managed by the cooperation between government agencies and private agencies. The problems of Southern Lao PDR are public disaster and poverty. The budget, materials, equipment, and personnel are allocated to the area to solve those problems.
  2. 2. The Buddhist principles for community economic development in the northern part of Laos People’s Democratic Republic are Aparihaniya Dhamma and Sangahavatthu. Saraniya Dhamma and Sappurisa Dhamma are for the central part, and Iddhipada is for the southern part of the country.
  3. 3. Integrative community economic development in Laos People's Democratic Republic with Buddhist principles can be done in 4 areas; 1) Economic aspect, 2) Social aspect, 3) Learning aspect, and 4) Participatory aspect. The Buddhist principles are integrated to enhance the development of community economic villages.
  4. 4. The new knowledge gained from the study can be concluded “E-ISHEE Model”, namely Economy, Industry, Safety, Harmony, Education, and Encourage. The model integrated with the Buddhadhamma can be implemented for sustainable development of community economic in Laos People’s Democratic Republic.


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How to Cite

หลวงศรีอภัย ส. ., พระเมธาวินัยรส, & ศิวารัตน์ ส. . (2022). Community Economic Development in People’s Democratic Republic of Laos with Buddhadhamma. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 20(2). Retrieved from



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