Development of Holistic Thinking with Buddhist Principles


  • ชายนำ ภาววิมล -
  • สุวิญ รักสัตย์
  • สุเชาวน์ พลอยชุม


Holistic Thinking, Development of Holistic Thinking with Buddhist Principles


The objectives of this dissertation were as follows: 1) to study concept and theory of holistic thinking development, 2) to study Buddhist principles in thinking development, 3) to integrate holistic thinking development with the Buddhist principles, and 4) to propose a new body of knowledge on holistic thinking development integrated with Buddhist principles. The data of this documentary research were collected from documents and in-depth interviews with 11 experts. The data were analyzed and synthesized and then presented by a descriptive method.

The results of research were found that:

           There are 3 mainstreams of holistic concept and thinking. They are the whole of ancient Greek Philosophy, System Model and Gestalt psychology. The effects of science and information technology changes lead to a requirement for new thinking in order to make manpower being wise, to strengthen innovative thinking or productive thinking, to utilize artificial intelligence and robot astutely. The method in developing manpower consists of 3 types of thinking; Rational Thinking, Creative thinking, and Feasible Thinking, and 3 abilities; Symbolic Thinking, Predictability, and Ability to bring effect continuously.

           Nyanadassana and the Four Noble Truths are the examples of holistic thinking based on a good thinking that consists of reality, usefulness, practice and propriety. The Buddhist principles concerning directly to thinking are the Eightfold Path and Annasamana Cetasika. The holistic thinking in Buddhism is the ability to insight the whole dimensions of the principles for reflection. That can lead to 3 advantages; realization, absolutely problem solving, and synergetic growth. There are 2 ways in thinking development in Buddhism; Paratoghosa-Yonisomanasikara and application of the Buddha’s 5 characteristics of world being assessment.

          The Buddhist holistic thinking is a paradigm balancing way of thinking and productivity of thinking to responses the needs of New Normal society. The main contents of the holistic thinking consist of completeness, concurrence and adequacy in living a life of an individual.  The Lotus Growth criteria are the indicator in holistic thinking development with a focus on mental competencies and mental skills, and then synthesized a platform of thinking into The Buddhist Synergetic Thinking Growth Model.


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How to Cite

ภาววิมล ช. ., รักสัตย์ ส. ., & พลอยชุม ส. . (2022). Development of Holistic Thinking with Buddhist Principles. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 20(2). Retrieved from



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