The Model of Buddhist Dissemination to Generation Groups in Contemporary Society


  • ปฐมา ทรัพย์สังข์ -
  • พระเมธาวินัยรส
  • พระศรีวินยาภรณ์


Model of dissemination, Buddhist Teaching, Generation groups in contemporary society


The dissertation on “The Model of Buddhist Dissemination to Generation Groups in Contemporary Society” aims to 1) study the state of Buddhist dissemination in contemporary society, 2) develop the pattern of Buddhist dissemination to generation groups, and 3) propose the model of Buddhist dissemination to generation groups in contemporary society. The mixed methods design was used. The tools for collecting data were primary source analysis from Buddhist Canon and academic documents, questionnaires administered to the sample groups of 4 generations consisting of 136 people, and in-depth interview with 14 Buddhist dissemination experts.

The results of the research were at present, both monks and lay people have responsibility for disseminating the Teachings of the Buddha to people in society. Without substantial collaboration, Dhamma distributors generally have their own way to perform their task of Dhamma dissemination. They give sermon in person or through available social media channels such as Dhamma books, TV programs, radio programs, VDO clips, articles, short texts incorporated with illustrations shared on social media, and Dhamma camps. Each type of means is compatible with different groups of receivers. However, characteristics of media senders and receivers mutually influence each other. The Dhamma distributors’ teaching styles attract particular group of receivers whereas the receivers’ preference partially directs Dhamma distributors’ teaching styles. The model of Buddhist dissemination should emphasize on every factor.  Dhamma distributors should learn Buddhist teachings to develop their own morals and improve their knowledge on technology essential for dissemination. The content should be relevant to audience interests, and adjusted to suit with the maturity of each generation. These would impress receivers, eliminate their doubts, and encourage them to apply Buddhist doctrines in real life to overcome obstacles and improve their mind and body. Media and methods used should be simple and easily accessed. The dissemination requires agile experience of Dhamma distributors, appropriate media channels, and methods to serve receivers’ needs according to EPIE Model which is the model of Buddhist dissemination to generation groups in today’s society.


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How to Cite

ทรัพย์สังข์ ป., พระเมธาวินัยรส, & พระศรีวินยาภรณ์. (2022). The Model of Buddhist Dissemination to Generation Groups in Contemporary Society. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 20(2). Retrieved from



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