Personal Administration Based on Khanti Dhamma for Administrators of Pathum Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • ปวีณา รอบแคว้น -
  • พระครูกิตติญาณวิสิฐ
  • พระครูสังฆรักษ์จักรกฤษณ์


personnel management, in accordance with the principles of tolerance


The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the state of qualification based on Khantidhamma in personnel administration of school administrators, 2) to study the method in developing qualification based on Khantidhamma in personnel administration of school administrators, and 3) to propose the method in developing qualification based on Khantidhamma in personnel administration of school administrators under the Office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service Area 1. The data of this mixed method research were collected by questionnaire with reliability at 0.990 from 313 samples consisting of school administrators and teachers and analyzed by frequency, mean and standard deviation, and by in-depth interviews with 5 school administrators.

            The results of the study were found that:

  1. 1. The state of qualification based on Khantidhamma in personnel administration of school administrators was at a high level overall. In aspects, discipline came first, followed by duty performance reinforcement, retirement, recruitment, workforce planning and positioning respectively.

            2.The methods in developing qualification based on Khantidhamma in personnel administration of school administrators were as follows: 1) In workforce planning and positioning, the administrators have to be patient and manage the workforce for the best benefit; 2) In recruitment, the qualified personnel should be recruited as many as possible; 3) In duty performance reinforcement, the administrators have to advice and suggest their personnel with patience; 4) In discipline, the administrators have to study administration manual thoroughly and administrate personnel with justice and transparency; and 5) In retirement, the to-be-retired personnel should be advised and guided appropriately.

            3.The methods in developing qualification based on Khantidhamma in personnel administration of school administrators under the Office of Pathumthani Primary Educational Service Area 1 are as follows: 1) In endurance with the hardships, the administrators have to be patient to physical and mental hardships together with blames; 2) In endurance with struggles; the administrators have to struggle and develop for the work achievement, and 3) In endurance with suffer, the administrators have to control their mind from unsatisfactory sense-objects with mindfulness and tolerance.


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How to Cite

รอบแคว้น ป., พระครูกิตติญาณวิสิฐ, & พระครูสังฆรักษ์จักรกฤษณ์. (2022). Personal Administration Based on Khanti Dhamma for Administrators of Pathum Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 20(2). Retrieved from



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