Developing a set of activities for promote ability on movement in Thai classical dance course for pratomsuksa 2 students


  • ปวีณา ถมยากูล -
  • พจมาลย์ สกลเกียรติ


Set of activities, ability on movement


The purposes of this research aimed 1) The develop learning activities set for ability on movement in Thai classical dance course for​ pratomsuksa  2​  student​s​ on development approach on the  75/75. 2) to compare the between abilities about movement in Thai classical dance course for​ pratomsuksa  2​  student​s after learning the 75 percent. 3) to study the students satisfaction towards in the learning activities set for ability on movement in Thai classical dance course for​ pratomsuksa 2 The samples used in study were 33 student course​ for​ pratomsuksa  2​  student​s​ by cluster random sampling The research includes using 1) set​ of​ activities​ for​ promote​ ability​ on​ movement​  in​ ​ Thai​ classical​ dance course for​ pratomsuksa 2​  student​s 2) 3) student satisfaction questionnaire to ward. The collected data were analyzed by means, standard deviation, t – test results and analyzes the results of the discussion using tables and descriptions.

The research findings were summarized as follows :

  • Set of activities learning to develop learning activities set for ability on movement body in Thai​ classical​ dance​ course​ for​ pratomsuksa 2​  student​s​ had efficiency of  (E1/E2)  73/78.11 which was higher than the 75/75 2) Student have ability on movement after learning was higher than 75 percent at 0.05 level of significance. 3) The Satisfaction learning activities set for ability on movement in Thai classical dance course for​ pratomsuksa  2​  student​s​ was at  a high level.


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How to Cite

ถมยากูล ป., & สกลเกียรติ พ. (2022). Developing a set of activities for promote ability on movement in Thai classical dance course for pratomsuksa 2 students. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 20(2). Retrieved from



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