Influence of Buddha-Jaya-Mangala Gatha on Thai Society


  • Sarun Makrudin Mahamakut Buddhist University


Buddha-Jaya-Mangala Gatha, Tikabahum, Iconography


The objectives of this research were to study history of the Buddha-Jaya-Mangala Gatha, to study styles and iconography related to the Buddha-Jaya-Mangala Gatha found in Thailand, and to study the influence of the Buddha-Jaya-Mangala Gatha on Thai Society.

The Buddha-Jaya-Mangala Gatha is an important chant recommended by a set of eight benedictory stanzas extolling the virtues of the Buddha. Some thoughts are believed to be verses written specifically for the king. Some ideas are believed that it was written in praise of the Lord Buddha. It is also thought that this chant was composed in Sri Lanka or Thailand. It is an important chant that has been popular in the past. There is a belief in the Buddha's virtue of the mantra. As well as being popular in bringing this chant to be used in designing and creating Buddhist art from the past to the present.




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How to Cite

Makrudin, S. (2023). Influence of Buddha-Jaya-Mangala Gatha on Thai Society. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 21(2). Retrieved from



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