The Concept of Thai Classical Dancing Creates from “Pleng Cha Pleng Rew


  • สุภาวดี โพธิเวชกุล -
  • สวภา เวชสุรักษ์


Thai Classical dancing Concepts, quick and slow songs, lessons of beginner dancing artist


Pleng Cha and Pleng Rew”or Quick & slow rhythm songs have been the exercises of dancing training for beginners of Thai classical dancers which maintain some amazing tactics since Ayuthaya period until now. Here,We suppose to study about these quick and slow level steps via some script, interviewing,observing and practicing and we have found that the song called "Soy-son"&"Mae-wan-luuk" help us to be trained process of movement of our eight parts of physical as head, body, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, legs and feet combining to become dancing patterns such as both hands,body movement,head & shoulders,arms hands & fingers,and legs & feet. Finally,we have found two important parts of dancing patterns that are "hands&arms" also "legs&feet". The more necessary thing is how to combine them together harmoniously becoming a new style dancing. In conclusion, all knowledges that we have got could be used to develope and create some new attractive classical dance so far.


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How to Cite

โพธิเวชกุล ส., & เวชสุรักษ์ ส. (2022). The Concept of Thai Classical Dancing Creates from “Pleng Cha Pleng Rew. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 21(1). Retrieved from