Attitude towards New Management Mode of Linguistic Landscape Programs in Chinese University Language Resources and its Decision Tree Analysis


  • Bin Lu -
  • Fuangfa Amponstira


Education management mode, University language resources, Intelligent collaboration, Analytic hierarchy process, Decision tree analysis


In order to survey the attitudes towards the different social participants of intelligent collaboration program on linguistic landscape in Chinese university language resources and university technology resources, and find effective methods and applied path to develop new management mode in Chinese university language education and professional training quality of foreign language majors, this article is to carry out attitude survey towards new management mode, namely Government-Industry-University-Research management mode.. And it describes the hierarchical comprehensive evaluation index for the construction of quality monitoring system on linguistic landscape with two steps: 1) the first step is to use analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to decompose the quality monitoring of linguistic landscape into multi-level and multi-dimensional index system, model and quantify the implementation process of quality monitoring, and to construct the first and second-class index system to solve the current problems of quality monitoring and quality improvement; 2) the second step is to use Decision tree(DA) analysis to view the evaluation and suggestions of experts in relevant fields on various indicators at all levels from collect feedback results, ensure scientific and reasonable determination of quality monitoring indicators through supplement and scientific revision. The conclusion is that: 1) The new management mode of linguistic landscape programs will benefit the education quality of foreign language majors and improve their service function for the society development. 2) The new management mode will benefit the government department on language technology resources, linguistic technology platform, intelligent collaboration and talents mapping of local city development.


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