Guidelines for Developing online Teaching and Learning System of Teachers in Bang pa-in School “Rachanukroh1” Under the office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area


  • กัลย์พัตร์ เสรีชัย -
  • เกษม แสงนนท์
  • สุรชัย สุรชโย


Development Guidelines


The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the state of online teaching and learning system, 2) to study the use of online teaching and learning system, and 3) to propose guidelines in development of online teaching and learning system for teachers of Bang Pa-in School “Rachanukroh 1” under the Office of Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area. The mixed research methodology was used in the study. The data were collected from 105 teachers by questionnaire and from 5 experts by interviews and then analyzed by mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The research results indicated that:

  1. The state of online teaching and learning system of teachers in Bang Pa-in School “Rachanukroh 1” under the Office of Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area was at a high level totally. In descending order, the highest was on the internet service and instrument, followed by knowledge and skills in teaching design of the teachers, online teaching and learning evaluation on school platform, and internet stability and internet accessing respectively.
  2. The use of online teaching and learning system of teachers in Bang Pa-in School “Rachanukroh 1” under the Office of Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area in total was at a high level. In details, the highest was on lesson design, followed by media and teaching and learning activities, measurement and evaluation, teaching techniques and methods, and readiness of teachers, students and school respectively.
  3. The guidelines in development of online teaching and learning system for teachers of Bang Pa-in School “Rachanukroh 1” under the Office of Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area can be concluded as follows: (1) In the readiness of teachers, students and school, the school should provide stable internet signal in every school building for teachers and students, internet SIM cards and instruments to students for free or borrowing; (2) In designing teaching and learning activity, media and online media producing, teachers should be supported to create and produce their own media instead of using merchandise products and the Racha1-online of the school should be improved for monitoring the progress of students individually; (3) In teaching techniques and methods, teachers have to change their role to advisors and guides on the side for students; and (4) In measurement and evaluation, the criteria of measurement and evaluation should be adjusted suitable to the new normal situation and comfortable in use.


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How to Cite

เสรีชัย ก., แสงนนท์ เ., & สุรชโย ส. (2023). Guidelines for Developing online Teaching and Learning System of Teachers in Bang pa-in School “Rachanukroh1” Under the office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 21(1). Retrieved from