Innovation of Personnel Management According to Sangahavathu 4 Principles of Primary School Administrators new Normal Era, Nakhon Nayok Province


  • ชลธิชา ธรรมผล -
  • เกษม แสงนนท์
  • อุดร เขียวอ่อน


Management innovation, New normal, Sangahavathut 4


This research is Innovation of Personnel Management in the new normal era according to Sangahavathu 4 principles of primary school Administrations, Nakhon Nayok province aimed to 1) study the current condition personnel management issue in to the new normal era of primary school administrators; 2) study the methods of innovation in personnel management in the new normal era according to the Sangahavathut 4 principles of primary school administrators; and 3) propose guidelines for the development to personnel management innovations in the new normal era according to Sangahavathut 4 principles of primary school administrators, Nakhon Nayok Province. This study used a research methodology combining methods between quantitative and qualitative, a sample of 196 administrators and teachers in Ban Na District, Nakhon Nayok Province were collected. Research tools consisted of opinion questionnaire used to analyze data include mean, standard deviation and interviews with experts to bring the result of Interviews to support quantitative research on principles and innovations personnel management in the new normal era according to Sangkhahavathu 4 principles of primary school administrators in Nakhon Nayok Province.

The results of the research found that

  1. The administrators and teachers had their opinions on the problem situation and personnel management in the new normal era of primary school administrators for overall was at a high level; performance evaluation, recruitment, training, development and remuneration respectively by importance of personnel management of primary school administrators, Nakhon Nayok Province.
  2. Innovative methods of personnel management in the new normal era according to Sangahavathu 4 are as follows: 1) Performance evaluation. 2) Nomination and selection. 3) Training and development. 4) Compensation, the era of the new way of life according to the four Sangahavattha principles: (1) giving charity to all. (2) Piyavaca, communicating with politeness. (3) Atthachariya, taking part in the service. (4) Manatta, gives justice to everyone. It is a way of managing personnel to change to a new way under new concepts, new methods, new processes in management development.
  3. Guidelines for the development of innovation in personnel management according to the Sangahavathu 4 principles are as follows:

3.1 In recruitment and selection: 1) Giving, giving opportunities for personnel to be selected. 2) Verbal, communication with beautiful words. 3) Atthachariya, doing things that are beneficial to the educational institution 4) Samanatta, the executives should be consistent with everyone.

3.2. In terms of training and development: 1) Giving, the administrators create opportunities for all personnel to be developed. 2) Piyavaca, should give advice on the development of academic work for educational development. 3) Atthachariya, should promote and develop Personnel's potential to have work skills 4) Samanatta, the executives should be friendly with all personnel in their work.

3.3 Remuneration: 1) Remuneration, the executives should determine remuneration in order to reward personnel. 2) Piyawacha, speaks to give praise and appreciation to the subordinates who build reputation with the school. 3) Atthachariya, the administrators should provide welfare for the personnel in the school. 4) Samanatta, the administrators should ensure that all personnel receive welfare or compensation with fairness.

3.4. Assessment of performance: 1) Executives should encourage personnel to develop innovations in a new way of life based on performance evaluation. 2) Piyawacha should publicize and educate. Innovation for personnel has brought innovation to develop an information system for performance appraisal. 3) Atthachariya, provides assistance in things that are beneficial to personnel. 4) Samanatta, the executives should maintain discipline with everyone to practice both adults and minors according to their duties with consistency.


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How to Cite

ธรรมผล ช., แสงนนท์ เ., & เขียวอ่อน อ. (2023). Innovation of Personnel Management According to Sangahavathu 4 Principles of Primary School Administrators new Normal Era, Nakhon Nayok Province. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 21(1). Retrieved from