Social Development in 6 Perfections Dimension


  • บุญโรจน์ เสรีวัฒนาวุฒิ -
  • สุวิญ รักสัตย์


Social Development, 6 perfections


The objectives of thesis are: 1. To study the development of society 2. To study the teaching of 6 perfections 3. To develop society with 6 perfections. This research is a documentary qualitative research. Data collected from Mahayana scriptures and other relevant documents and in-depth interviews from key informant persons on social development and Mahayana Buddhism


The results showed that:


Social development is a directionally changing society. It is planned to be a quality society in form, environment, art, culture and mind. People in a developed society are happy, comfortable, and have good living conditions, both physically and mentally. At present, the use of economy, industry, science and technology as indicators of social development leads to family problems, political conflict and poverty.

The teaching of 6 perfections is the principle of life and society development that Mahayana Buddhism uses to guide life. It is called Accumulation Perfection. 1. Dana Paramita is the accumulation by giving some needed things to others. 2. Sila Paramita is the accumulation by not to make oneself and others suffer, instead to live happily. 3. Kshanti Paramita is the accumulation by patience and forbearance to work, sickness and being provoked by defilements.  4. Viraya Paramita is the accumulation by paying full efforts in doing good deeds 5.Dhyana Paramita is the accumulation by paying concentration without distracted mind. 6. Prajna Paramita is the accumulation by knowing how to live, not getting attachment and attains the state of Emptiness.


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How to Cite

เสรีวัฒนาวุฒิ บ., & รักสัตย์ ส. (2023). Social Development in 6 Perfections Dimension. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 21(1). Retrieved from