Using the Four Sangahavutthu Principles by Kasikorn Bank Officers in the Office of Service and Marketing 45


  • ธัณเทพ ภู่จำศิลป์ -
  • พระเมธาวินัยรส


Sangahavutthu 4 Principles, Kasikorn Bank Offcers


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study use the sangahavutthu 4 principles by Kasikorn Bank officers In the office of service and marketing 45, 2) to compare the sangahavutthu 4 principles by Kasikorn Bank officers in the office of service and marketing 45  based on various factors such as gender, age and and length of work are different, and 3) to analyze suggestions obtained regarding the sangahavutthu 4 principles by Kasikorn Bank officers In the office of service and marketing 45. A sample of 140 officers in Kasikorn Bank officers In the office of service and marketing 45 was drawn randomly from all of the Kasikorn Bank officers In the office of service and marketing 45. The sample size (n = 220) was determined using Krejcie and Morgan’s (1970) table of sample sizes, specifying a 5% margin of error. The experimental data was collected by questionnaire and summarized with descriptive statistics, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and compared groups.


The results of the study were found that:


1) The condition of using the sangahavutthu 4 principles by Kasikorn Bank officers in the office of service and marketing 45 was at high level in sangahavutthu 4 principles of people aspects. When considering by equality consisting in impartiality at the highest level, charity, kindly speech and life of service at a high level.

2) In comparative studies, there were no statistically significant difference between Kasikorn Bank officers in the office of service and marketing 45 with different gender, age, and different working income. There are using the sangahavutthu 4 principles as a whole. Not different statistically significant at the level of 0.5.

3) The suggestions obtained were as follows: 1) charity 2) kindly speech 3) life of service and 4) equality consisting in impartiality


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How to Cite

ภู่จำศิลป์ ธ., & พระเมธาวินัยรส. (2023). Using the Four Sangahavutthu Principles by Kasikorn Bank Officers in the Office of Service and Marketing 45 . Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 21(1). Retrieved from