Driving Behaviors based on Buddhadhamma Principles of the Drivers in Thungkhru District, Bangkok


  • วีรรัช สุวรรณะโสภณ -
  • พระศรีวินยาภรณ์


Driving Behaviors, Buddhadhamma Principles


The objectives of the research entitled “ Driving Behaviors based on Buddhadhamma Principles of the Drivers in Thungkhru District, Bangkok” are as follows: 1) to study driving behaviors with Buddhist principles of drivers in Thungkhru district of Bangkok, 2) to compare driving behaviors for reducing traffic problems of the drivers based on their gender, age, educational level, driving experience, and driving distance per day, and 3) to study the recommendations on driving behaviors based on Buddhadhamma principles of the drivers in Thungkhru district of Bangkok.This research attempts to reflect on the traffic crisis and losses from traffic accidents from driving behaviors that result to the loss of life, time and property both for the involved families and the nation to lose budget and human resources for developing the country.


The results of the research were as follows:


1) The majority of drivers are males with the age ranges from 41 to 50 years, 1-5 years driving experience, and the driving distance is more than 5 kilometers per day.

2) The overall level of driving behaviors of the drivers was at the occasional practice. The most practiced driving behaviors were on carrying a driver's license and the least practice while driving was on fastening a safety bell or wearing a helmet. 

3) The results of the comparison of driving behavior revealed that drivers of different sexes, levels of education, and driving distances per day have different driving behaviors to reduce traffic problems, but the drivers of different ages and driving experiences have no difference in reducing traffic problems.

4) Suggestions on modifying driving behaviors to reduce traffic congestion are to promote and campaign about traffic discipline in educational institutions in order to create awareness at the youth level, to publicize and campaign about traffic discipline to people continuously, to enforce the traffic laws, and to place penalties seriously.


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How to Cite

สุวรรณะโสภณ ว., & พระศรีวินยาภรณ์. (2023). Driving Behaviors based on Buddhadhamma Principles of the Drivers in Thungkhru District, Bangkok. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 21(1). Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mgsj/article/view/268628