Sub-district Quality Management Strategies for Schools Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission


  • รักษญาณ์ เผ่าผาง -
  • ดร.ขัตติยา ด้วงสำราญ


Management Strategies, Sub-district Quality


This thesis aims to 1) study the condition of the administration of subdistrict schools with quality potential under the Office of the Basic Education Commission 2) analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities highly conducive to management that has the highest average is technology, followed by economic, social, political and government policies, respectively. Desirable conditions for the management of subdistrict schools with quality potential under the Office of the Basic Education Commission require the process aspect of the internal environment to be at the highest level with the highest average, followed by the Input, PIE Cycle, Outcome and Output aspects, respectively. The external environment requires the highest level of technological and economic demands, followed by social political and government policies, respectively.

            In short, the process-side is the internal environment that ranks highest in both current and desirable conditions. As for the external environment, when the mean was sorted from high to low, it was found that the order was consistent in all respects for both current and desirable conditions. These are technology, economic, social, political and government policies. And Threats regarding the management of the aforementioned schools 3) develop strategies for the management of these schools; and 4) assess and certify their management strategies. The samples used were primary schools across the country that has been deemed to have the potential to become quality schools in their subdistricts, totaling 364 schools. Mixed research methods were used; the tools used were semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, audits, probability and feasibility assessments, as well as strategy assessments and certification. Statistics used in the analysis of data include frequencies, percentages, averages, standard deviations and PNI Modified indices, as well as descriptive content analyses.

  Research results found that:

  1. The present condition of the administration has a high internal environment

level in the Process aspect, which also has the highest average. This is followed by the PIE Cycle, Input, Output and Outcome aspects, respectively. The external environmental factor

  1. Strengths in the Input aspect are personnel, while Process strengths are the management process and the process of supervision and monitoring. Output strengths include learners having desirable attributes. Strengths in the PIE Cycle include evaluation, planning and the implementation of the plan. Input weaknesses are materials, tools, media, technology, learning resources, and budgets. Output weaknesses are learners who have 21st century skills and learners having knowledge according to the curriculum. Weaknesses in outcomes are good and smart learners who are happy and employed, as well as when the school is accepted by the community. Process weaknesses are the teaching and learning process. In addition, technological and economic aspects were found to be opportunities, while social, political, legal and government policies are threats.


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How to Cite

เผ่าผาง ร. . ., & ด้วงสำราญ ด. (2023). Sub-district Quality Management Strategies for Schools Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 21(2). Retrieved from



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