Leadership Development According to Kalyanamitta Principles Principles in the 21st Century for High School Administrators in Buriram Province


  • โชติกา ศิริบุญ -
  • พระครูวิรุฬห์สุตคุณ,ดร.
  • ดร.อินถา ศิริวรรณ


Development, Leadership, Kalyanamitta


This research has the following objectives: 1) to study the state of leadership in the 21st century of high school administrators, 2) to study principles and methods in leadership development according to Kalyanamitta in the 21st century of high school administrators in Buriram province, and 3) to propose guidelines for leadership development according to Kalyanamitta in the 21st century of high school administrators in Buriram province. The mixed research methods were used in the study. The quantitative data were collected from 191 samples by questionnaire and analyzed by mean and standard deviation. The qualitative data were gained from in-depth interviews and analyzed by content analysis.

             The study results were as follows:

  1. 1. The opinion towards the state of leadership in the 21st century of high school administrators was at a high level overall. In details with descending order, the highest level was on capability, followed by achievement, human relations, collaboration, and communication respectively.
  2. 2. The principles and methods in leadership development according to Kalyanamitta in the 21st century of high school administrators in Buriram province are as follows;                      1. Profession trust, 2. Morality, 3. Good education qualification, 4. Sacrifice, 5. Effort, 6. Intelligence, and 7. Kalnamitta qualification based on the 7 principles of Sappurisa Dhamma.
  3. 3. The guidelines for leadership development according to Kalyanamitta in the 21st century of high school administrators in Buriram province are as follows: 3.1 Piyo: Personality, human relations, and hospitality of the leaders should be developed. 3.2 Garu: The leaders should have vision, good behaviors, respectful manners, kindness, warmness and confidence. 3.3 Bhavaniyo: The leaders should be alert to changing situations, technology and innovations. 3.4 Vatta: The leaders should understand communication methods and strategies and individual characteristics. 3.5 Vacanakkhamo: The leaders should be tolerant, courageous, listenable, calm and established. 3.6 Gambhiranca Katham Katta: The leaders should have ability in giving explanations. 3.7 No Catthane Niyojaye: The leaders should suggest and lead the others away from drugs and derogatory matters.


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How to Cite

ศิริบุญ โ., พระครูวิรุฬห์สุตคุณ,ดร., & ศิริวรรณ ด. (2023). Leadership Development According to Kalyanamitta Principles Principles in the 21st Century for High School Administrators in Buriram Province. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 21(2). Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mgsj/article/view/269826



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