Guideline of the Use Digital Media for Teaching and Learning in Social Studies Courses Religion and Culture of Secondary School Teachers in Phetchaburi Province


  • ภัทรนนท์ เมฆวิลัย -
  • พระครูวิรุฬห์สุตคุณ, ผศ. ดร.


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the condition of using social studies teaching media. Religion and culture 2) to study how to develop the use of digital media for teaching social studies Religion and culture 3) to propose guidelines for the use of digital media for teaching social studies Religion and culture of secondary school teachers Phetchaburi Province It is a combined research method. Between quantitative and qualitative research consists of quantitative research. A questionnaire was used for a sample group of 377 students in secondary schools under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 10, Phetchaburi Province. The data were analyzed by basic statistics, namely frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. 2) Qualitative research. Interviewed 5 executives and teachers. Data were analyzed by content analysis.

The results showed that

  1. 1. Conditions of using social studies teaching media Religion and culture of secondary school teachers Phetchaburi Province Overall, it's at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in all 3 areas, namely other printed media and equipment. in the field of computer-assisted instruction and natural media
  2. 2. Methods for developing the use of digital media for teaching social studies Religion and culture of secondary school teachers Phetchaburi Province The print media must incorporate social movements and convey that feeling through useful content publications. and can be used in studies Natural media on natural conditions and the environment know how to think and adapt to the lesson It will be beneficial to teaching. computer assisted instruction Present the course content in both text and still images and animations. Able to ask questions, receive questions and show results in the form of feedback.
  3. 3. Propose guidelines for the use of digital media for teaching social studies. Religion and culture of secondary school teachers Phetchaburi Province with the ADDIE Model, which is Analysis (analysis) determines the characteristics of the desired media. Design media according to the learning process Set goals Design (design) Design blueprints. The structure of the media according to the characteristics that have been defined according to the learning process. Development Create a simulation learning media model. Create experimental classes Implement (Actions) perform actual media creation. Print media must incorporate social movements and convey that sentiment through useful content and evaluation publications. (Assessment) Assessment of satisfaction. And the quality of the media according to the characteristics specified in both text and still images, movies able to ask questions, receive questions and show learning results in the form of feedback to learners in a digital society.


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How to Cite

เมฆวิลัย ภ. . ., & พระครูวิรุฬห์สุตคุณ, ผศ. ดร. (2023). Guideline of the Use Digital Media for Teaching and Learning in Social Studies Courses Religion and Culture of Secondary School Teachers in Phetchaburi Province. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 21(2). Retrieved from



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