Developing Human Resource Management Skills in the Digital Age According to the Vuddhidhamma Principles of Elementary Buddhist Oriented School Administrators in Phetchaburi Province.


  • ศักดิ์ชัย อนันต์ชัยลิขิต -
  • พระครูสาทรปริยัติคุณ,ดร.
  • ดร.บุญเชิด ชำนิศาสตร์


Development of personnel management skills in the digital era, Qualification Principles, Buddhist school Administrators


The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the state of human resource management skills of administrators in Buddhist oriented schools, 2) to study methods for developing human resource management skills in digital age based on Vuddhidhamma principles of administrators in Buddhist oriented schools, and 3) to propose the methods for developing human resource management skills in digital age based on Vuddhidhamma principles of administrators in elementary Buddhist oriented schools in Petchaburi province. The mixed research methods were used in the study. The quantitative data were collected by questionnaire from 312 samples in Buddhist oriented schools and then analyzed by mean and standard deviation. The qualitative data were collected by in-depth interviews with experts.



The study results revealed that:

  1. 1. The state of human resource management skills of administrators in elementary Buddhist oriented schools in Petchaburi province was at a high level overall and in aspects. In details, the highest level was on work assessment, followed by personnel development, personnel maintenance, personnel recruitment, and workforce planning and positioning respectively.
  2. 2. The methods for developing human resource management skills in digital age based on Vuddhidhamma principles of administrators in elementary Buddhist oriented schools in Petchaburi province are as follows: 1) The schools should produce human resource management manual relevant to the school requirement; 2) To set up a committee for qualification screening by using information technology in application; 3) The work criteria should support duty performance; and 4) Technology for management should be provided to school personnel.
  3. 3. The methods for developing human resource management skills in digital age based on Vuddhidhamma principles of administrators in elementary Buddhist oriented schools in Petchaburi province are as follows:

3.1 Sappurisamseva: To choose the qualified administrators, plan workforce by using digital technology in recruiting process, and to maintain qualified school personnel.

3.2 Saddhammassavana: To consult with and listen to experts in human resource management and personnel recruitment and development for self-improvement and school development.

3.3 Yonisomanasikara: It should be carefully considered before making a decision for operation according to the plan set in order to protect negative effects to schools later.

3.4 Dhammanudhammapatipatti: To implement the plan for personnel recruitment, maintenance, and performing their duty accurately and effectively suitable to the digital age.


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How to Cite

อนันต์ชัยลิขิต ศ., พระครูสาทรปริยัติคุณ,ดร., & ชำนิศาสตร์ ด. (2023). Developing Human Resource Management Skills in the Digital Age According to the Vuddhidhamma Principles of Elementary Buddhist Oriented School Administrators in Phetchaburi Province. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 21(2). Retrieved from



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