Guidelines for promoting Dharma practice for lay people in the new base era for Dharma practice offices Kanchanaburi Province


  • นัฏธนัน ภู่นิเทศ -
  • พระครูสถิตบุญวัฒน์, ดร.
  • ดร.สุทธิพงษ์ ศรีวิชัย


Dharma practice of the layman, new way of life base era


The objectives of this research are: 1. To study the problems of the lay people's dharma practice. In the new base era for the Dharma practice school Kanchanaburi Province 2. To study the methods of promoting Dharma practice of the lay people in the new base era for the Dharma Practice Office. Kanchanaburi Province 3. To propose guidelines for promoting Dharma practice of the laity in the new base era for the dharma practice school Kanchanaburi. By using a mixed research method between qualitative and quantitative. by the tools used in quantitative research is an in-depth questionnaire collect data from the sample There were 150 dharma practitioners and a qualitative research by interviewing 6 abbots of the dharma practice school. standard deviation and content analysis.                      

The research results.                                                         

  1. The general condition of the Dharma practice of the lay people in the new base era for the Dharma practice school Kanchanaburi Practitioners are unable to come to practice the Dharma at the temple as usual due to the kovic epidemic causing them to be unable to come and practice the Dharma together. The use of technology as a media for dissemination therefore plays a role in the practice of dharma. enabling practitioners to practice Dharma at home But the place of meditation at home still lacks tranquility, which is different from the practice center and modern technology, causing some practitioners to lack knowledge and expertise in using technology.
  2. Methods for promoting the Dharma practice of the laymen in the new base era for the Dharma practice office Kanchanaburi overview of all aspects Dharma practitioners have opinions. at the highest level They were arranged in descending order: principles of practice (satipatthana 4), followed by places, insights. new way of life and management, respectively.
  3. Guidelines for promoting dharma practice for lay people in the new base era for dharma practice offices Kanchanaburi Province, including principles of practice (satipatthana 4) should focus on practitioners to enhance mindfulness to occur all the time. The location should provide sufficient lighting and water within the temple for practice. Introspection Instructors should divide new and existing practitioners into groups to suit each individual's abilities and for the benefit of practitioners as much as possible. Management should arrange time Content suitable for operators and management to solve problems that arise quickly and to the point. There should be public relations in every Dharma practice. New way of life There should be sufficient technological communication equipment to practice and train practitioners to become proficient in using technology equipment.


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How to Cite

ภู่นิเทศ น. . ., พระครูสถิตบุญวัฒน์, ดร., & ศรีวิชัย ด. . . (2023). Guidelines for promoting Dharma practice for lay people in the new base era for Dharma practice offices Kanchanaburi Province. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 21(2). Retrieved from



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