The Effects of Job Characteristics and Total Rewards on Employee Innovation Performance in Shanxi Province, China


  • Yunping Shi มหาวิทยาลัยชินวัตร
  • Anong Rungsuk


Job Characteristics, Total Rewards, Human Capital Investment, Employee Innovation Performance


Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress and the key to winning in the increasingly fierce competition. Innovation is the strategic support for the construction of a modern economic system and the first driving force for economic development. In order to establish and maintain the competitive advantages of enterprises and promote the sustainable development of China's economy, it is urgent for China's economy to shift from external power to internal power and from "factor driven" to "innovation driven".

This paper adopts a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Through a sample survey of 1151 employees of enterprises in Shanxi Province, and in-depth interviews with 20 executives of human resources, R&D departments, front-line innovative employees, and researchers of human resources management theories, data analysis is conducted using NVIVO, SPSS and AMOS software. To verify the correctness of the model and hypothesis. It is found that Job Characteristics, Total Rewards and Human Capital Investment have significant positive effects on Employee Innovation Performance. Job Characteristics and Total Rewards have a significant positive impact on Human Capital Investment. Human Capital Investment plays an intermediary role among Job Characteristics, Total Rewards and Employee Innovation Performance.


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