Influence of Perceived Risk and Trust Factors on Personal Internet Financial Behavior in Shanxi Province, China


  • Birou Wen มหาวิทยาลัยชินวัตร
  • Anong Rungsuk


Perceived Risk, Consumer Trust, Corporate Reputation, Personal Internet Finance Behaviour


With the rise of Internet financial management, more and more companies have opened Internet financial management platforms and are playing a role in the increasingly mature process of Internet financial management. The purpose of this study is to explore the influencing factors that influence personal Internet financial behavior and provide suggestions for the development of Internet financial management. This study adopted a mixed research method of qualitative and quantitative methods, and obtained relevant data through qualitative research tools such as literature review and in-depth interviews, as well as through questionnaires and online collection. A total of 457 questionnaires were collected for quantitative research. The reliability and validity of the model were tested using SPSS software and Amos software, and a more in-depth analysis was conducted using structural equation modeling. Through the above methods, this paper investigates the influencing factors of personal Internet financial behavior in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province.

It is found that perceived risk, consumer trust and corporate reputation all have a significant positive impact on personal Internet financial behaviour. Meanwhile, corporate reputation has a mediating effect on perceived risk and consumer trust in personal Internet financial management behaviour.


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