Artistic Conception and Emotions of Jiangnan Gardens in Imagery Oil Paintings


  • Jin Huang มหาวิทยาลัยชินวัตร
  • Parichart Kluensuwan


Oil painting of imagery, Jiangnan Garden, Context, Emotion,Oil Painting Nationalization


The art of oil painting, which originated in Europe, has been developed in China for more than 400 years since it was introduced to China in the Ming Dynasty. As one of the most popular types of paintings in the world, oil painting has undergone the development and renewal of several generations of Chinese oil painters, who have continuously explored a road of oil painting with Chinese characteristics. Since the 1950s and 1960s, when the "nationalization of oil painting" was proposed, Chinese oil painting has gradually formed a style of imaginative oil painting, which mainly focuses on writing, through the exploration of many oil painters. As a representative of ancient Chinese garden art, Jiangnan Garden, with its unique garden design method and concept, contains the highest pursuit of aesthetic spirit of ancient Chinese intellectuals. Jiangnan garden is an important heritage of world culture. Therefore, how to express Jiangnan gardens becomes a good entry point for imagery oil painting. Through analysis, this paper explores the Chinese understanding and pursuit of aesthetics in imaginative oil painting, the intrinsic connection between Jiangnan gardens and contemporary oil paintings, especially how to express the mood and embodied emotions in Jiangnan gardens through oil paintings. In order to provide useful inspiration for oil painters.


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