An Overview of the Study of the Spread and Development of the Clarinet in China


  • Zeyu Wei มหาวิทยาลัยชินวัตร
  • Kovit Kantasiri


Clarinet; China; Spread; Development


The clarinet is an indispensable member of the Western woodwind instruments, which was born in Europe and produced around the end of the 17th century. Its predecessors were the afros and the salumos. With the advent of the age of sail, it was introduced to China with the Western missionaries and several other Western orchestral instruments at the end of the 19th century. It is used in orchestras, wind bands, military bands and chamber music. In Europe and developed countries, the clarinet has been developed and spread more efficiently, with a higher degree of acceptance by the public. Clarinet in Asia, Japan, Singapore, the development of wind music compared to other countries is also more rapid. The purpose of this paper is to collect literature on the spread and development of the clarinet in China from home and abroad, in order to help the clarinet spread and develop better in China.


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