The Racism Issue in Russian Society


  • Krissada Promvek Ramkhamhaeng University


Social problems, Ethnicity, Racism, Russia


The article “The Racism Issue in Russian Society” uses a documentary research method, relying on sources from books, research articles, and government agency documents, including information from news in newspapers and related websites. The study found that the problem of racism in Russian society is unique and different from other countries, having developed since the time of the Russian Empire. During the Soviet Union era, the problem of racism was viewed as a matter of imperialism. During the Cold War period, the Soviet Union implemented anti-racist policies as its main political policies, thus eliminating the problem of racism. The collapse of the Soviet Union revitalized Russian nationalism. They began to create their own national identity, inspired by the European racist movement. Modern nationalism and xenophobia have become part of the mainstream of Russian society. Economic instability and war in Chechnya have created an atmosphere conducive to the growth of widespread expressions of hostility and hatred, especially among people of Caucasian descent. This situation has led to the expansion of racist ideas and the emergence of right-wing and political extremist groups throughout Russia. In particular, the emergence and spread of skinhead groups commit hate crimes in Russian society. Certain political parties and movements play a key role in fueling racism in Russian society.


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How to Cite

Promvek, K. (2024). The Racism Issue in Russian Society. Journal of Thai Ombudsman, (2), 253–288. Retrieved from



Research Article