Guidelines for Developing Communication Channels of the Thai Parliament Based on International Case Studies


  • Atchima Sangrat Parliamentary Academic Support Office, king Prajadhipok’s Institute


Communication, Thai Parliament, Communication Channels, Open Parliament


This article examines about the current communication practices of the Thai Parliament, highlighting how communication serves as a tool for conveying ideas and engaging public awareness. Effective government communication requires modern, rapid, and participatory channels to inform citizens of various policies successfully. Open access to government information and active communication with the public are mechanisms that facilitate a shift from a democracy focused on monitoring and accountability to one that encourages public participation. This also enhances transparency in the exercise of government authority. In recent years, the Thai Parliament has developed diverse communication channels to engage citizens in the legislative process. However, with today’s global changes, the Parliament must adopt new methods for communicating daily parliamentary activities to ensure public awareness. This includes making parliamentary meetings, activities, and committee deliberations accessible, thereby raising operational standards within the institution. Furthermore, this study draws on cases of foreign parliaments that have developed highly effective communication strategies, enabling public participation and enhancing transparency in parliamentary processes. These cases offer a framework for improving the Thai Parliament’s communication methods to increase efficiency and foster greater public involvement.


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How to Cite

Sangrat, A. (2024). Guidelines for Developing Communication Channels of the Thai Parliament Based on International Case Studies. Journal of Thai Ombudsman, (2), 207–228. Retrieved from



Academic Article