Secular Humanism, Liberalism, and the Erosion of Moral Foundations: Examining the Consequences in Contemporary Society

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Hakim Sudinpreeda


The impact of secular humanist philosophy on contemporary society has indeed led to a decline in moral values. This decline can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, humanism's heavy reliance on reason, reminiscent of the Enlightenment era's emphasis on rationality, has hugely challenged traditional moral frameworks. Additionally, the promotion of progress based on freedom, as seen in liberalism, has hindered critical thinking and straightforwardly facilitated the support of dangerous ideologies. Moreover, the rejection of traditional religions by contemporary humanism overlooks essential aspects of human existence, so distorting the understanding of life's profound aspects, in addition to promoting utilitarianism. The principles of determinism, associated with social Darwinism, further challenge traditional morals. This web of interconnected factors ultimately contributes to moral nihilism and a hedonistic ethics that too devalues life. Not surprisingly, all the consequences mentioned are influenced by atheistic philosophies.

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How to Cite
Sudinpreeda, H. (2024). Secular Humanism, Liberalism, and the Erosion of Moral Foundations: Examining the Consequences in Contemporary Society. Journal of the Philosophy and Religion Society of Thailand, 19(1), 1–36. Retrieved from
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