Islands and Andaman Sea : Cultural Space of Urak Lawoi Koh Lipe
ทะเลอันดามันและเกาะหลีเป๊ะ : พื้นที่ทางวัฒนธรรมของกลุ่มชาติพันธุ์ อุรักลาโวยจ
Chao Le, Urak Lawoi, Ethnic group, Lipe IslandAbstract
This article aims to explain the maritime ancestral area and territory of the Urak Lawoi of Koh Lipe, and the interpretation of ancestral territory of the Urak Lawoi of Koh Lipe by states and capital, including the demarcation of modern state-national borders and their impacts on the Urak Lawoi of Ko Lipe. The artical utilizes a concept of space emphasizing the significance of people and social. The authors collected data through participatory observation and key informant interview from June 2023 to March 2024. The study found key points: Firstly, the Urak Lawoi views maritime areas as both subsistence and cultural spaces. Secondly, the demarcation of modern state-national borderline and the interpretation of maritime ancestral territory by state and capital have affected the way of life and culture of the Urak Lawoi. Therefore, the declaration of cultural protection zones for the Urak Lawoi of Ko Lipe should giveback the rights to access to the natural resources in the ancestral areas both maritime area and islands to Urak Lawoi of Koh Lipe.
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