Social determinants of drug use and the development of the quality of life of drug users
Social determent of drug used, Quality of life, Drug userAbstract
The drug problem has adverse effects on individuals and society and is a severe problem in every society. When individuals use drugs and become addicted, it affects not only their own quality of life but also that of the people around them. This article aims to identify the social determinants of drug use in order to develop guidelines for improving the quality of life of drug addicts. This study used qualitative research and collected data from 25 drug users who had undergone treatment through snowball sampling. The study revealed that social factors determining drug use can be categorized into two main parts: personal factors and environmental factors, which include the lifestyle and behavior of people around the drug user, their social networks and communities, as well as societal structures. Therefore, addressing these factors at each level can contribute to improving the quality of life among drug users. Ultimately, a good quality of life for drug users entails having a stable life both economically and socially, maintaining positive relationships with others, having freedom in decision-making, and experiencing physical well-being, as well as enjoying good family life.
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