Analysis of the Learning Process to Empower the Community in Preventing Human Trafficking


  • ปิ่นหทัย หนูนวล Faculty of Education, Chulalongklon University
  • ชนิตา รักษ์พลเมือง, ศาสตราจารย์ ดร. Faculty of Education, Chulalongklon University


: Community Learning Process, Empowerment, Human Trafficking Prevention


The objective of this research is to analyses the learning process to empower the community in preventing trafficking and to propose a learning process to do so. This research employs both qualitative and case study research. Both communities of origin and destination of victims are studied in terms of forced labour as well as sex worker. Empirical information are collected by Rapid Rural Appraisal, Participatory observation, In-depth interview and Focus group discussion. Finding from this field study is then proposed as a way to create a learning process to empower communities in preventing human trafficking.

Research result shows that there are four characteristics of learning process to empower a community to prevent human trafficking namely 1) group process 2) Active Learning 3) Problem Oriented and 4) Vertical Learning. They are condition by 1) Members of the group, as victims of human trafficking, want to join in combatting the problem through their own experinces;2) at the urging of external organization working in partnership; 3) state network and local organization join in by mainly employing the group lessons and methods. Guild lines for community learning process following four steps: 1) strengthening perception and awareness; 2) promoting questions from shared problems; 3) promoting joint operations and 4) promotion communities in critiquing outcomes together.

Author Biography

ปิ่นหทัย หนูนวล, Faculty of Education, Chulalongklon University

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How to Cite

หนูนวล ป., & รักษ์พลเมือง ช. (2019). Analysis of the Learning Process to Empower the Community in Preventing Human Trafficking. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 26(2), 81–107. Retrieved from