Publication Ethics

Article Publishing Ethics

The Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, Thammasat University, has defined the roles and responsibilities for publishing the articles in accord with the ethical standards as follows:

1. Ethics and Duties of the Editor

        - Carry out all tasks based on the objectives of the Journal;
        - Check the content accuracy and quality of articles before each publishing; do not accept the articles that are found to be duplicate (i.e. duplication/plagiarism) with other journals; and guarantee the quality of articles published in the Journal;
        - Give the freedom to the authors on expressing their opinions based on academic principles, and also maintain the accuracy of academic works;
        - Keep the confidentiality related to the personal information of all stakeholders of the Journal; and
        - Clarify, edit, withdraw the published articles, and wholeheartedly apologize the related parties in case of any mistake.


2. Ethics and Duties of the Reviewer

          - Own the specific knowledge and expertise for reviewing the articles without any prejudice or sharing of any interest with the authors; and
         - Be punctual, keep all information confidential, and do not disclose any information related to the articles to the third parties who are not involved thereof throughout the period of article evaluation.


3. Ethics and Duties of the Author

         - Do not copy other people's works; do not take other people's works as his/her own one. The submitted articles must be guaranteed that they have not been published in any source before;
         - Think, analyze, research, compile, and make a reference of information by himself/herself; never distort any information or facts in the articles;
         - The author's name appeared in the articles must be the one having actually involved with the related academic works; and
         - The author must always write the articles correctly in line with the format specified by the Journal.