Social Worker in the 21st Century Transformation : Challenging Role to Child Development Youth and Family


  • ยศวดี อยู่สุข Social Welfare Department, King Chulalongkorn Memmorial Hospital


21st Century Change, Social Worker, Role in Child Development Youth and Family


Social workers who work with children, youth and families under dynamic social dynamics. Amidst the scale of the problem and the intensity of the variety is more diverse. This scholarly article comes from a review of the research, academic papers and the author's performance experience. The aim is to reflect the changes in social dimensions that occur and exist in Thai society today. It also introduces laws related to the performance and role of social workers, both at the level of Thai society and at the global level, to the development of social welfare. This article highlights the potential that children and youth scholars and professional social workers deserve and whether it is the development of knowledge through research. National and international academic exchanges. The cultural potential to be able to work with users of different religions or beliefs from the service provider. Social workers should strive for equality and fairness to the users under the changes in the 21st century.


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How to Cite

อยู่สุข ย. (2019). Social Worker in the 21st Century Transformation : Challenging Role to Child Development Youth and Family. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 26(2), 140–171. Retrieved from