The Cause of the Conflict Between Project Owner and Community


  • ธัญญ์นภัส บุญสิริวรพัชร์ Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Conflict, Cohabiting, Condominium Entrepreneur, Trok-Khao-Mao Community


“The Causes of Conflict between The Entrepreneur of Dbura Prannok Condominium Project at Bangkok Noi District and The Residents from Trok-Khao-Mao Community Living around the Project” was studied mainly for searching for the conflict of the cohabiting between the condominium’s entrepreneur and the residents in Trok-Khao-Mao community around the project’s area, and to solve the problems between them. It is the quality research archiving by collecting data from four significant personnel: community header, community counselor, community secretary and representatives from the condominium project. The collecting method was done by interviewing and focus group discussion. The results shows that the conflict was caused by the wall built around the condominium project, the project’s wastewater treatment and the project’s trees are trespassing into the community area. All the conflicts could be resolved under the discussing and compromising of both the entrepreneur and the community. The condominium entrepreneur could possibly build the wall around their condominium project but leave a bit of the space even though they will lose some small area so that their plants wouldn’t trespass into the community area. The entrepreneur could compromise with the community by letting people in the community be a part of wastewater treatment management. This specific conflict could be resolved by figuring the actual problems, understanding another party and be compromising. This is the method that will unite them with no-one has been taken advantages so that they could cohabit peacefully in the future.


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How to Cite

บุญสิริวรพัชร์ ธ. (2019). The Cause of the Conflict Between Project Owner and Community. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 25(2), 134–155. Retrieved from