Guidelines for developing Legal Protection of Rights and Assistance of Ex-Offenders in Thailand


  • ศักดิ์ชัย เลิศพานิชพันธุ์, รองศาสตราจารย์ Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Social Welfare Law, Protection of Rights, Assistance, Ex-Offenders


The aims of this article are: to study approaches and theories concerning rights’ approach, rights protection, punishment, offenders’ assistance and social welfare approaches; to study the development of laws relating to ex- offenders in Thailand and foreign countries; to synthesize and compare legal limitations concerning offenders’ assistance; and to search for guidelines developing social welfare law for the protection of ex- offenders’ rights and assistance. The research methodology is qualitative research through comparative method.
The results of the study answered the research objectives. It found that there was a law so-called “Law for Assistance of Parolee, Ex-Prisoner and trained Juvenile 2497 B.E. (1954 A.D.)” in Thailand. However, it was abolished in 2499 B.E. (1956 A.D.), therefore, the specific law for ex-offenders has not been existed since then. That is why, under human rights ideology and public safety, it is necessary to enact the specific law for the protection of ex-offenders’ rights and assist them as human beings in order to prevent them from re-committing crimes. Social justice, in addition, should be distributed to these vulnerable people. The study also indicates and recommends that ex-offenders should have the right to be allowed to work in some civil service positions if they are not related to their convicted offenses. For non-violent crimes, the authority should entitle the power to erase criminal records of the ex-offender who have passed the mandatory period of rehabilitation. The scope of ex-offenders’ aftercare organizations should be concretely determined by the law. A crucial condition leading to successful aftercare process is the role of volunteer such as Volunteer Probation Officer (VPO) and relevant volunteers should be authorized.


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How to Cite

เลิศพานิชพันธุ์ ศ. (2019). Guidelines for developing Legal Protection of Rights and Assistance of Ex-Offenders in Thailand. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 24(2), 193–226. Retrieved from