Participatory Policy Implementation of Health System Development Network in Krachang Sub-District, Samkhok District, Patthumthani Province


  • กาญจนา บุญจง Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University


Policy Implementation, Participatory Public Health, Krachang Sub-District Health System Development


This research aimed to study the participatory public health policy implementation, study roles of the network, and propose developmental guidelines on the participatory public health policy implementation of The Health System Development Network. Qualitative methods were used for this research. The research tools consisting of on in-depth interview from ten people of Kra Chaeng Subdistrict Health System Development Network, focus group discussion, and non-participatory observation. The research results showed the following issues: 1) The participatory public health policy implementation of Kra Chaeng Subdistrict Health System Development Network was done by interpreting the policy according to Public Health Law and Policy, organizing public health projects. The network jointly integrated resources. As for planning, the network made a Three-Year Development Plan and implemented it according to the indicators of The Ministry of Public Health. As for organizing, the network established the committee to jointly do activities or projects in the area. 2) The three roles of the network were as follows: 2.1) the roles in the position/status according to policy interpretation, consisting of the roles in infrastructure and health. 2.2) Expected roles in the society by expecting Kra Chaeng Subdistrict Administrative Organization to solve the problems in the area. 2.3) Actual roles in implementing the projects determined in the plan. 3) The developmental guidelines consisted of the following issues: The budget should be allocated for use on urgent cases and the important problems. The advance budget should be least used. Staffs of Kra Chaeng Subdistrict Health System Development Network should be developed to have knowledge. The private sector and people should be allowed to increasingly participate in providing public health services. These three developmental guidelines would enable Kra Chaeng Subdistrict Health System Development Network to achieve success in the implementation and really bring about people’s benefits.


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How to Cite

บุญจง ก. (2019). Participatory Policy Implementation of Health System Development Network in Krachang Sub-District, Samkhok District, Patthumthani Province. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 24(2), 227–268. Retrieved from