Network of Social Capital and Trust


  • จิรพรรณ นฤภัทร, อาจารย์ ดร. Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University


Network, Social capital, Trust


The close relationships of network, social capital and trust appears in the rationally reinforcing – trust generates social capital, in turn produces trust. Without foundation of trust, social capital cannot develop. Researches showed that social capital was derived from networking action with shared norm and fundamental trust. To understand social capital network with mutual trust in Thai rural communities needs to consider Buddhist philosophy, agriculture-based belief and in modern time, reciprocity principle. The paper demonstrated trusting relationships as integral mechanism for the formation, extension and existence of social capital network in two studied groups of farmers; Sanam Chai Khet and Chorrakae Sampan farmers in Chachoengsao and Supanburi provinces. The groups evolved social trust-based culture in the institutional network with shared objectives. The more groups learned about effective trust, the more they realized its productivities both quality and quantity. With the combination of reciprocity system, increasing trustworthiness constructed both horizontal and vertical relationships, groups’ assets comprised of savings groups, universal social welfare, learning center and organic products respectively. The paper concludes that the studied factor of rational trust value in farmer groups’ social capital network is the core success in their self reliance. These communities of faith sustains social capital transforming into groups’ innovations, intellectual and economic capital.


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How to Cite

นฤภัทร จ. (2019). Network of Social Capital and Trust. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 24(1), 47–71. Retrieved from