Alcohol Consumption Behavior and Effects of Alcohol Consumption of Migrant Workers at Talad Tai Khlongluang District, Pathumthani Province, Thailand


  • เบญจมาศ เป็นบุญ Institute of Population and Social Research, Mahidol University


Alcohol Consumption Behavior, Impacts of Alcohol Consumption, Migrant Workers


The purposes of this research were to study the alcohol consumption behaviors of migrant workers, the relationship between attitudes towards the alcohol consumption behaviors, and impacts of alcohol consumption among the migrant workers employed at Talad Tai. The sample was collected from 381 participants from Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos. Then the questionnaire was the research instrument. As a result, 60 percent of the Burmese, Laotian and Cambodian migrant workers used to drink alcohol. Invitation from friends, co-workers and family members is major cause of alcohol consumption. Beer was found as their most widely consumed drinks. Most of them claimed that drinking alcohol provided them more enjoyment than usual. The impacts of alcohol consumption among the migrant workers from three nationalities involved frequently having quarrel with family members 1-3 days per month and being absent from work. Additionally, the Cambodian workers were found having problems with their employers more than those of Burmese and Lao.


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How to Cite

เป็นบุญ เ. (2019). Alcohol Consumption Behavior and Effects of Alcohol Consumption of Migrant Workers at Talad Tai Khlongluang District, Pathumthani Province, Thailand. Journal of Social Work and Social Administration, 24(1), 135–152. Retrieved from